Why you should turn on your auto-response on Instagram/Facebook

Why you should turn on your auto-response on Instagram/Facebook

Ever get, “how much” or “can I book a fill?” in your DM’s? Us too. It’s a great problem to have but it can also be a little tiring having to respond to every single person especially the tire kickers without as little as a hello from the other person or the fact that you’ve put everything you possibly can on your Instagram profile for them to see. 

Don’t sweat it — instead make it easy on yourself and turn on your auto-response with these details: 

Hey there [insert name], 

Sending you a quick note to say hello and that your message has arrived safe and sound in my inbox. I aim to reply within 24 hours on my business days so in the meantime, here are some quick links that may be able to answer your Q’s: 

  • Are you interested in booking an appointment? You can do that here [link your booking site]
  • Is it your first time getting lashes done? Read this quick FAQ’s page so you know what to expect [link your FAQ’s page]
  • Do you have a lash emergency? Please send me a text and I will get back to you as soon as I can [insert contact info]
  • Please note that my business hours are from [insert hours here - as well as a link on your website] 

Please know that I am a one-woman show and will get back to you as quickly as possible. 


Your Name, Business

Unsure of how to turn on your automated response? Go to your Facebook business page > Inbox > Automated Responses > Instant Reply 

Note: Your Instagram account has to be a business account and attached to a Facebook Business page to turn this feature on. 

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